In accordance with Article 5, Section 5.1 of the bylaws for Providence Village 6C Homeowners Association, Inc., you are hereby given notice of and requested to attend the 2023 Annual Homeowners Meeting. The Annual Homeowners Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. Log in will begin at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held on GotoMeeting for the protection of all owners. Use the link: https://meet.goto.com/725182253, to see the presentation, and Call 312-757-3121, and enter Access code: 725-182-253 to join the in the conversation.At this meeting, there will be an election to elect three homeowners to the board. That being the case, if you would like to put your name forth for the board, please complete the attach candidate form and return it before April 19, 2023.
A proxy is a written instrument, signed by the member, which duly appoints the member’s voting rights and attendance. The Bylaws state that in order to hold a meeting and conduct business of the Association, there must be a quorum present. A quorum is the number of homes represented either in person or by proxy. The quorum required to hold a meeting is ten percent (10%) of all lot owners. If the quorum for the annual meeting is not met, the Association will not be able to conduct any Association business, and will incur additional expenses to recall, reschedule and re-notice.If you have any questions or concerns that you would like addressed at the meeting, please fill out the Question or Comments page enclosed and email it back to Dale@legacysouthwestpm.com no later than Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
Please take a moment to sign and return the enclosed proxy even if you plan to attend, as unforeseen circumstances can occur.
The deadline to return the proxy is Wednesday, April 19, 2023 by Noon
Click here to download and read the Heritage Landings at Providence Village Transition Meeting Notice