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Update Regarding Upcoming Annual Meeting
Published: March 25, 2024
We are delighted to share an important update regarding our upcoming annual meeting. We have arranged for an in-person option to be held at the town hall. This presents a fantastic opportunity for those who prefer attending this meeting in person to participate directly. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 9th, at Providence Village Town Hall, 1755 Main Street, Providence Village, Tx. 76227.
However, if attending virtually or via dial-in is more convenient for you, rest assured that these options are still available. You can ask questions and contribute to discussions as usual.
Please keep an eye out for a written notice of this update, which will be sent to you via snail mail. We're looking forward to seeing you at the annual meeting.
Additionally, if you're interested in running for the Board of Directors, please visit
and submit your form as soon as possible. Furthermore, if you haven't yet submitted your proxy, please visit
and do so promptly. Even if you plan to attend the meeting in person or virtually, submitting a proxy will help ensure we meet quorum and avoid rescheduling.
Your participation is crucial, and we appreciate your cooperation in making this meeting a success.
Looking forward to meeting you then.
Heritage Landings at Providence Village HOA