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Splash Pad Demo Survey – We Need Your Feedback!

Published: January 08, 2025

The Heritage Landings Board would like your feedback! We are considering demolishing the splash pad that is located in The Landings, Fair Oaks Dr, and replacing it with something like a basketball court or a pickleball court. Before we start looking into more information about this, we want to know what you think! Please let us know if you think we should demolish the splash pad for something different.

If you are new to the community, the splash pad has been a money pit for the past few years now. It is constantly breaking and there is a major leak somewhere out there that could cost thousands of dollars to find the leak plus thousands more to fix. A lot of residents have expressed they would like to see it gone but the board does not feel comfortable making such a decision without consulting all members of the community. Please leave us your feedback.

Please note: This project could result in a special assessment depending on the cost of the project.
To share your feedback, please complete the survey by clicking the link below:


The deadline to submit your response is January 14, 2025.
Thank you for helping us make informed decisions for our community!

Heritage Landings at Providence Village HOA

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